Clarigen CLI

The Clarigen CLI is the interface you'll use to generate Clarigen types. The CLI is a Deno project - so you'll need Deno installed in order to install it.

To install:

npm install @clarigen/cli

After being installed, you can run clarigen in your terminal.

npx clarigen



Running clarigen on its own will generate type files for you.

Watch mode

Running clarigen --watch will keep the process open and watch for specific file changes. When a file change is detected, your types will be re-generated. This is helpful for actively developing tests or an app.

The files watched are:

  • Clarigen.toml
  • Clarinet.toml
  • contracts/*.clar

clarigen docs

Generate documentation from comments in your contracts. Check out the TODO: add link docs for more information.

clarigen init

Generate a Clarigen.toml file.

clarigen upgrade

Update your locally installed version of the clarigen CLI.

Run clarigen upgrade -l to list available versions.

Run clarigen upgrade --version $version to install a specific version.

Log levels

To change the default logging, each command accepts either --quiet or --verbose flags, which changes the default log level used.